
Basic Shapes

This is the base which everything is composed from. It is natural and imperfect. It is malleable and ready for improvement and change. It is transformed under the influence of external factors and changes beyond recognition, if you allow it to go beyond the boundaries of the basic shape.

Link on Foundation

Все рождается из ничего. Затем обретает форму, и она преображается, усложняясь с каждой итерацией. Важен факт смотрящего и воспринимающего эту форму, ведь все существует в пространстве и времени. Важно, когда есть тот, кто способен разглядеть красоту существования базы и ее изменения.

В нашей жизни все имеет точку отсчета. Под воздействием внешних или внутренних факторов все меняется. Каждый элемент уникален и развивается самостоятельно, но при этом является частью большего.

База податлива и пластична. Ее начало не имеет позитивной или негативной окраски, она нейтральна, первична. Она обладает способностью соответствовать ожиданиям смотрящего.

The Basic Shapes of Anomalitism

The Value Of The Elements


Cell is as a symbol of going beyond habitual forms of thinking


Points are event options. Also, the dots symbolize the reality of which it consists. Life experience.


Lines are the movement of time. Life path to points.


Flowers are an interweaving of lines. Blooming life.


Color is the perception of reality.


The circle is a cycle of events, an action.


The semicircle is a reference to the place of birth. It repeats the outline phenomena of a new Moon, a new beginning. The semicircle is a kind of window, a look into the future.


Anomalits (elements) are people who easily perceive new things, letting information through themselves, subjecting it to analysis.


Energy flow is a powerful charge of energy that it gives and receives at the moment of interaction with another person. Autonomous energy source.


Words and symbols are the message of time.


Cyclicity is a repetition of actions and events.

Black and white are balance, like yin and yang. Also, pure black and white colors carry the mystery of new discoveries and experiences. Both colors are the beginning.

The rest of the colors are a reference to childhood, to the moment when the mind is clean and ready for everything light and beautiful, without focusing on patterns.

Yellow is positive and inspirational.

Pink is the happiness of the moment.

Blue - calmness and tranquility.